Product details
PlanToys Shake N Clap 木制摇铃可以让您的宝宝在摇动摇铃时保持专注并学习,因为他们会听到令人着迷的声音。设计简单,但可以通过游戏锻炼他们的视觉、听觉和触觉。非常适合在几个月大的时候由父母指导玩耍,以帮助发展眼球追踪能力,因为当摇动摇铃时,他们会跟随质朴的颜色和声音。光滑的表面、轮廓和抓握环让宝宝抓握起来很开心。用您最喜欢的婴儿安全夹子将它连接到您的背带、婴儿车或婴儿衣服上,以便随时随地玩耍。采用有机颜料和水性染料制成,让您安心无忧。这款令人愉悦的木制玩具会吸引宝宝的注意力,并提供感官和触觉体验。
规格 + 安全
SKU: PT5277
品牌: Plan Toys
标题: 摇一摇、拍拍手
产品尺寸: 7厘米XX 5.2厘米
年龄指南: 年龄指南:6 个月以上
Made in
Developmental benefits
Shipping + Returns
Standard shipping
FREE for orders with a goods total $129+
Flat $9.95 for orders under the free shipping threshold.
Express shipping
Flat $15.95 (max parcel weight 4kg)
Express parcels over 4kg - calculated in checkout.
We offer a refund for change of mind purchases within 30 days from order receipt.
Learn more: Return Guide
Processing times
Orders are dispatched within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays).
Gift Wrapping
Complimentary gift wrapping is offered on all products with the exception of clearance items and certain large or awkward shapes.
Greeting cards
Gift messages added to your order will be printed on a gift packing slip and included with the parcel. Alternatively, you can buy a gift tag or card (via each product page after selecting the 'This is a Gift' option).
Price information
When you send a gift with Send A Toy you can relax knowing that receipts and price information will not be included.
Wrap options
Toffee Petite flowers, Toffee Gingham or Toffee Cottontail Bunny. (We also offer seasonal wraps).