Product Information

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PlanToys Shake N Clap 木制摇铃可以让您的宝宝在摇动摇铃时保持专注并学习,因为他们会听到令人着迷的声音。设计简单,但可以通过游戏锻炼他们的视觉、听觉和触觉。非常适合在几个月大的时候由父母指导玩耍,以帮助发展眼球追踪能力,因为当摇动摇铃时,他们会跟随质朴的颜色和声音。光滑的表面、轮廓和抓握环让宝宝抓握起来很开心。用您最喜欢的婴儿安全夹子将它连接到您的背带、婴儿车或婴儿衣服上,以便随时随地玩耍。采用有机颜料和水性染料制成,让您安心无忧。这款令人愉悦的木制玩具会吸引宝宝的注意力,并提供感官和触觉体验。


SKU: PT5277 | BRAND: Plan Toys

AGE: 年龄指南:6 个月以上

Safety and care

Complies with EN71 toy safety standards
Wipe clean with a soft damp cloth, wipe dry.

Made in



Cardboard Retail Box

Chemical-free rubberwood, formaldehyde-free glue, organic pigments, and water-based dyes.
7厘米XX 5.2厘米
Developmental benefits


About: Plan Toys

关于 PlanToys


所有 PlanToys 均采用天然橡胶木制造,橡胶树生长 25 年后不再产胶乳。在砍伐这些树的三年前,农民停止向土壤施肥,以节省成本并确保所有木材不含毒素。


在 PlanToys,可持续发展和儿童发展是我们的首要任务。通过在设计和生产过程中关注儿童安全和年龄里程碑,我们的木制玩具可以促进身体和智力发展。


PlanToys 肩负着创造可持续发展世界的使命,刻意考虑生产过程的每一个步骤,以尽量减少对环境的影响。这一使命通过 PlanToys 业务的三大支柱(也称为我们的“可持续发展之道”)来实现。这包括可持续材料、可持续制造和可持续思维。


✔️不含甲醛的胶水,经 E-Zero 认证



Gift Wrapping

We offer complimentary gift wrapping for all our products, except for clearance items and some big or tricky shapes.

Personal messages

You can add a free message to your order, we’ll print it on a gift packing slip and include it with the parcel. Or purchase a gift tag or card (you can find them on each product page after you select ‘This is a Gift’).

Price information

All gifts ship without receipts or pricing details, ensuring a perfect surprise for your recipient.

Wrap options

Choose from our gorgeous wraps: Toffee Petite flowers, Toffee Gingham, or Toffee Cottontail Bunny. Seasonal wraps available for Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day.

Shipping | Return Policy
Standard shipping

FREE for orders with a goods total $129+

Flat $9.95 for orders under the free shipping threshold.

Express shipping

Flat $15.95 (max parcel weight 4kg)

Express parcels over 4kg - calculated in checkout.


We offer a refund for change of mind purchases within 30 days from order receipt.

Learn more: Return Guide

Processing times

Orders are dispatched within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays).