If you looking for a toy to spark a child's imagination and provide hours of free-play entertainment, look no further than Waytoplay, an innovative toy brand from the Netherlands that is taking vehicle playtime up a notch with their virtually unbreakable, weatherproof road tracks and accessories.

What makes Waytoplay road tracks so special?

Waytoplay road tracks are unlike any other toy on the market. Made from virtually indestructible, flexible rubber, these tracks can be shaped into endless configurations, allowing your child to create their own unique roadways. Whether they want to build a simple circle or a complex highway system, the possibilities are truly endless. Plus, the weatherproof design means that these tracks can be used indoors or outdoors, rain or shine!

✔️ The bathtub

✔️ The pool

✔️ The pouring rain

✔️ WAYTOPLAY can take it all

Imaginative Play & Problem Solving

Not only are Waytoplay road tracks incredibly durable and versatile, but they also encourage imaginative play and problem-solving skills. As your child builds and navigates their roadways, they will be developing important cognitive abilities and honing their spatial awareness. Plus, the weatherproof design means that these tracks can be used indoors or outdoors, rain or shine!

Visit the Send A Toy website to browse our selection of Waytoplay road tracks and 'backandforth' toy cars. With Waytoplay, the only limit is your child's imagination!

Designed and made in the Netherlands

✔️ Road tracks are printed on both sides

✔️ Waterproof

✔️ Flexible

✔️ Virtually indestructable

✔️ Made in the Netherlands




60’s Toys that would horrify Gen Z parents
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5 款来自 60 年代的玩具会让 Z 世代的父母惊出一身冷汗!

Buckle up because you won't believe some of the perilous toys kids used to play with in the 60s.  In reflection, it is a miracle that any of us made it out alive!


New PlanToy Arrivals!
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New PlanToy Arrivals!

Drum roll please! Introducing some new arrivals from PlanToys, a brand committed to creating sustainable and eco-friendly toys. These new additions are not only fun and engaging but also promote a greener and more conscious way of play. 


Why Wooden Rattles Trump Plastic
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Baby lying on floor for tummy time
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Tummy Time

As a parent or caregiver, you may have heard about the importance of tummy time for a baby's development. But what exactly is tummy time and why is it considered so important for little ones? ...


Homemade Glue Recipe
  • Send A Toy

Homemade Glue Recipe

A simple and effective recipe for making natural glue at home. Happy crafting!


New Brand Intro - Waytoplay
  • Send A Toy

New Brand Intro - Waytoplay

Waytoplay road tracks are unlike any other toy on the market. Made from virtually indestructible, flexible rubber, these tracks can be shaped into endless configurations, allowing your child to create their own unique roadways …


What is EN71 Toy Safety Standard?
  • Send A Toy


对于儿童玩具而言,安全至关重要。管理玩具安全的关键标准之一是 EN71 玩具安全标准。EN71玩具安全标准在保护儿童免受不安全玩具造成的潜在伤害方面发挥着至关重要的作用。法律规定,在欧盟销售的所有玩具都必须符合该标准。 通过了解该标准并寻找符合该标准的玩具,父母和看护人可以在为孩子选择玩具时做出明智的选择。 EN71玩具安全标准是什么? EN71玩具安全标准是欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)根据玩具指令2009/48/EC制定的一套玩具安全要求,目的是确保玩具可供儿童安全玩耍,不会对健康或安全造成风险,同时防止不安全的玩具流入市场。 玩具由经认可的实验室根据 EN71 标准进行测试。这些测试评估玩具的各个方面,包括其物理和机械性能、易燃性、化学成分等。只有通过这些严格测试的玩具才被认为对儿童安全。 EN71 涵盖哪些类型的测试? EN71 玩具安全标准将其测试规范分为不同的部分,每个部分针对玩具安全的特定方面。可作为 EN71 测试程序一部分的流程的实际示例包括: 有害化学物质测试(例如铅、汞和砷) 可燃性测试(确保玩具及其部件不存在火灾隐患)。 尖锐尖端测试(确保玩具没有可能对儿童造成伤害的尖锐边缘或小部件) 。 小零件测试 警告标签检查 EN71 涵盖哪些玩具? EN71标准涵盖的玩具范围很广,包括但不限于: 毛绒玩具 木制玩具 益智玩具 玩偶和人物模型 电子玩具 谜题和游戏 美术和工艺 简而言之,任何供 14 岁及以下儿童使用的玩具都属于该标准的范围。 为什么 EN71 玩具安全标准很重要? EN71 玩具安全标准对于确保儿童安全至关重要。通过遵守此标准,制造商可以保证其产品符合严格的安全要求,并且不会对年轻用户造成任何危害。家长可以放心,因为带有 EN71...


Tips for Selecting Safe Toys
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Unleash the Fun: Benefits of Stacking Toys
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Mentari Toys Banner with logo
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Mentari 出品的安全且价格实惠的木制玩具

Mentari 玩具注重质量、安全性价格实惠,为父母和看护者提供安全、传家宝品质的选择,而且价格不高......


Discover Beautiful Gifts from Poppy & Daisy
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发现 Poppy & Daisy 的精美礼品

这个由澳大利亚人拥有和经营的儿童品牌为具有环保意识的小创意人士提供精美的 DIY 套件……


Clutching Toys, more than simple playthings
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