When it comes to children's toys, safety is paramount. One of the key standards that governs the safety of toys is the EN71 Toy Safety Standard. EN71 Toy Safety Standard plays a vital role in protecting children from potential harm caused by unsafe toys. Compliance with the standard is legally required for all toys sold in the European Union.

By understanding this standard and looking for toys that comply with it, parents and caregivers can make informed choices when selecting toys for their children.

What is the EN71 Toy Safety Standard?

The EN71 Toy Safety Standard is a set of safety requirements for toys, formulated by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) under the Toys Directive 2009/48/EC. Its purpose is to ensure that toys are safe for children to play and do not pose a health or safety risk, while simultaneously preventing unsafe toys from entering the market.

Toys are tested according to the EN71 standard by accredited laboratories. These tests assess various aspects of the toy, including its physical and mechanical properties, flammability, chemical composition, and more. Only toys that pass these rigorous tests are deemed safe for children.

What Types of Tests are covered by EN71?

The EN71 Toy Safety Standard divides its testing specifications into different parts, each addressing specific aspects of toy safety. Practical examples of the processes that can part of an EN71 testing procedure include:

  • Harmful chemical tests (such as lead, mercury and arsenic)
  • Flammability test (to ensure that toys and their components are not a fire hazard).
  • Sharp points test ((to ensure that toys do not have sharp edges or small parts that could cause harm to a child).
  • Small parts test
  • Warning label check

What toys are covered by EN71?

The EN71 standard covers a wide range of toys, including but not limited to:

  • Plush toys
  • Wooden toys
  • Educational toys
  • Dolls and action figures
  • Electronic toys
  • Puzzles and games
  • Arts and crafts

In short, any toy that is intended for use by children 14 years and under falls under the scope of this standard. 

    Why is the EN71 Toy Safety Standard important?

    The EN71 Toy Safety Standard is crucial for ensuring the safety of children. By adhering to this standard, manufacturers can guarantee that their products meet strict safety requirements and do not pose any hazards to young users. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that toys bearing the EN71 certification have been deemed safe for their children to play with.


    EN 71-1:2011+A3: Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties (resource.org)

    Toys | Product Safety Australia



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